You wanna know what i got in store for you? Really? You see, theres this really really really fun game that ive been watching for a long while now. All YouTube Poop lovers out there who are unaware, let me introduce you to an all new exciting feature game: Dezzans Super Robotnik Land!
You take control of Ivo Robotnik, aka Doctor Robotnik. None other than Sonic's old nemesis. And what does he exactly do you ask? Wreaking havoc with his giant robots? Sends deadly inventions after Sonic? Shoots missiles from his base? A BIG FAT NO. What he actually does is knocking enemies off the radar with his PENISH. Thats right :D
Its simple. You play in a side scrolling platform very similar to the Super Mario Bros game. You can walk, jump and err, smack hostiles with your penis. BELIEVE ME, ITS REALLY THAT STRONG. And actually, its not all about Sonic anyway. All of you who are familiar with YTP (YouTube Poops), knows that these poops are usually mixed together and edited into a silly mess that appeals to the immaturity inside of us. Game/cartoon spoofs in other words. They will either make you laugh, or rape your sanity. What im trying to say is that the game covers a good deal of YTP characters, mainly from the CD-i games from The Legend of Zelda series.
This game was originally a joke originated in one of CraaazyCat13's poops, which you can find here. Later then, an inspired user by the name DezzanRobotnikLand (ironically the same name as the game) decided to realize it and therefore, he has brought us this wonderful game. Its a beta game though, but its still playable until he has finalized the game entirely. For now, it consists of only 4 levels i think. I cant wait to play the full game.
You want it? Its yours my friend, as long as you got enough rubies.
Below is a screenshot from the game play, with Robotnik swinging his penis.
Ill update with a new post when the full version is announced. All creds and respect goes to CraaazyCat13, and all the hard work to DezzanRobotnikLand.
Whats left for me to say now? Well, i guess i should wish you good luck if youre gonna play it. And have fun. Now if you excuse me, im gonna swing around with my
Woot!!! I'm first post... i was just watching your movie the crappy adventures of hammi! lol... its still funny Hahaha
First Post W00t!
What? Are you fucking serious? That movie is CRRRRAPPPPZORFFFF.
Oh well. Thanks. And yeah, w00t.